What to Look for in a San Francisco Moving Company
Like most people, if you have a big move coming up, you’re not going to be doing it all on your own. However, if you can’t find enough free help amongst your friends and family, you’ll need a professional service in San Francisco to handle things for you. Aside from actually choosing your new home, picking the right San Francisco moving company may be one of the most important decisions you make in regards to changing addresses.
Nothing can replace the value of experience. When it comes to moving companies, you definitely want to give credence to those that have been in business the longest. Given the nature of the work involved, it’s not as though moving companies necessarily keep the same movers year after year. It is likely, though, that if they’ve been serving San Francisco for a number of years, they must be doing something right where their practices are concerned.
Depending on the type of home you have, you may also wish to look into specific experience. If you have a home office, for example, or a family member has certain equipment related to their special needs, it can be even more helpful to work with professionals who have seen these items before.
Obviously, your movers are doing more than just picking items up and carrying them a little way. As they will need their moving truck to complete the job, be sure to check that the people your moving company is using have their licenses. If you’re moving to San Francisco from out of town, they’ll need a US DOT license too, if they’re to cross the border as well. No matter how trivial this demand may seem, it’s no less important. Most of your valuables are going to be in their care while they navigate that large truck down the highway, so you’re definitely better off safe than sorry in this scenario.
Along the same lines, there’s no reason a professional moving company in San Francisco should not have insurance. If they’re the type of company that offers a bargain on their services because they only hire cheap, uninsured labor, you could be the one ending up paying the price. Don’t risk it; insist on insurance.
While you’re at it, take a second to see if your homeowners or renters insurance covers your personal items during a move.
We mentioned experience at the beginning, but reputation is a key factor too (do not discount the importance of experience though; any company can have a good first year or two and then falter). Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to do your homework here. Go online and look up reviews from other people in San Francisco.
Awards are always great to see in this category or any other type of third party validation. However, if all you have is a wide sampling of customer reviews, you’ll still have plenty to go on.
Lastly, don’t just take their website’s word about it regarding their rates. You want to be crystal clear on how much you’ll owe them. Otherwise, what seems like a low rate may just be a really smart way to land your business before adding in a bunch of extra costs. In fact, like airline tickets, rates can differ wildly based solely on the day of the week you’re moving. Tell any potential mover everything about your move and what you’ll need. Then ask for a quote in writing, so that everyone is on the same page.
Hiring a mover in San Francisco doesn’t have to be hard. Just use the above steps to make sure you get the absolute best company for the job.