Oakland Move With Kids
Moving is never an easy task, even when you have a new home in Oakland to look forward to. However, if you have and Oakland move with children, it can be a lot more difficult. No one particularly cares for moves, but kids will find it especially tedious. Even though there’s the Oakland Zoo, Children’s Fairyland and the Museum of Children’s Art to be excited about in their near future, that’s probably little comfort to them while they watch adults load a truck. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to handle this situation.
Organize a Garage Sale
Everyone will be better off if you get rid of unnecessary items before the big move. Go through and find all the things you just don’t want, need or use anymore. Then organize a garage sale.
If you’re having trouble convincing children to part with some items, tell them that they can keep the profits they make. There’s a good chance this will make them a lot more excited about lightening their load before heading to Oakland.
Give Them a Job
This might seem counterintuitive, but many kids will actually appreciate some responsibility during the move. While we don’t need maps anymore, you might want to think about plotting the course you’ll be taking to Oakland and letting your child keep track of your progress. They can also follow along on Google Maps and give you instructions.
For those with pets, put your child in charge of taking care of them for the duration of the move. This means keeping them on a leash or in their box and making sure they get bathroom breaks and are fed during the move.
Have Snacks on Hand
Before you move, it’s a good idea to clean out your kitchen of any food items. This makes for less to pack and minimizes the chance of things spilling or other accidents. However, don’t get rid of absolutely everything. You’ll want snacks on hand or your little one’s mood may take a sharp turn early on.
Another idea is to have two types of snacks. Give them apple slices, carrots, crackers, etc. to make sure they don’t get hungry during the move. However, if they’re good, give them something like fruit snacks or other treats they love as a reward.
Get Lots of Sleep
Most kids will test your patience in one way or another during a move. A lot of times, they’re just bored and let tedium get the best of them. Moves aren’t fun for anyone, which is why you should make sure you get plenty of rest leading up to one. Those dealing with kids, though, will definitely want to make sure they get enough rest so the move isn’t brought to a screeching halt because they’ve hit their limit.
Have a Family Meeting
There could be all kinds of reasons you’re moving to Oakland. While your children probably didn’t play the biggest role in the decision making process, it’s important you make them a part of the discussion at some point. If the child is old enough to have friends in their current neighborhood, a move can be difficult for them to handle.
This is where a family meeting will help. Let them talk about their feelings and explain to them why the move is happening and all the things they can look forward to in their new city. Talking to them like this will also make your move easier because your children will be less likely to brood or look for ways to stay put.
While your move will still probably be a challenge, at least the above tips will help make things easier on both you and your children.